
Posts Tagged ‘Battery Testing’

Truck Battery Tester

January 27th, 2012 Comments off

Keltruck a Scania dealer based in Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire recently purchased a Midtronics MDX655P battery tester from aide automotive ltd.

Duncan Edwards the dealers service controller reported the tester to be the ideal product for the branches use, he stated “The use of the tester has been excellent on winter service routines and when carrying out vehicle inspections, easy to use and with the benefit of a built in printer we have a hard copy report of the battery state for our records. Winter is a problem time for batteries and poor batteries will cause no starts which is a problem for our customers, testing and reporting healthy batteries will stop no starts and keep our customers vehicles on the road. Furthermore I can add all the products and back up service I have requested from aide automotive has been second to none.”

Battery Testing quickly confirms the efficiency of a vehicle and gives the owner a view to the functionality and life span of a battery. Companies with large heavy duty commercial vehicles such as trucks or buses need to ensure that the vehicle battery is working efficiently. Many companies test their brakes or tyre pressures before a vehicle inspection but why not a battery? Completing a battery test before an inspection will give a view of the batteries long term functionality.

A Midtronics battery tester is the most up to date and cost effective and easy to use tester. The unique technology makes testing of discharged batteries possible, and once tested, a hard copy print out is available for the customer.

Midtronics test method allows battery testing and diagnostic charging to be safer, fast, simple and able to be performed in front of the customer. Each battery test takes just 7 seconds.
Midtronics Battery Testers will provide an increased level of service, increase battery revenue and efficient battery management for the workshop.

If you require a correct answer to your battery testing, click on Midtronics Battery Tester to contact us further by calling 0115 8456471.


Truck Battery Tester

Midtronics battery tester


24 Volt BatteryCheck

July 5th, 2011 Comments off

aide automotive have introduced a 24 volt battery tester called BatteryCheck, this is a small and compact high performance electronically controlled plug in battery charger and tester. Cost effective
this excellent tester is ideal for workshops for a quick battery tester and the option to recharge the battery.

BatteryCheck has been designed from dealer mandated product technology for the everyday commercial vehicle workshop, BatteryCheck’s neat
compact design is ideal for a workshop and with microprocessor controlled technology, the BatteryCheck offers any workshop a high end product at an affordable price.
BatteryCheck is designed to test a 24 volt system, battery over charging is impossible as the microprocessor controlled technology monitors all functions of the BatteryCheck.

Contact aide automotive by clicking on 24 Volt Battery Tester.

Battery Tester the Key to Battery Maintenance

May 20th, 2011 No comments

Battery testing should be part of every vehicles regular maintenance programme. Your vehicle’s battery is often only thought about when it fails, but a small amount of care and maintenance will ensure it doesn’t let you down when you need it most.

Lack of battery care and maintenance combined with cold weather has a way of bringing out the borderline batteries that were fine in the summer, but don’t have the power for a cold weather start. Battery maintenance is often only considered when it’s failed in the bad weather but maintaining it all year round, rain or shine, is essential to catch a bad battery before it lets you down.

Testing and maintaining a battery is fairly simple and only requires a few basic tools. For a car battery, a good quality Midtronics tester does the job. Midtronics tester of the latest up to date technology for testing car batteries or truck 24 volt batteries.

aide automotive stocks a range of automotive products

Midtronics battery tester

Midtronics battery tester

Battery Testing for Heavy Duty Vehicles

February 10th, 2011 No comments

Battery Testing quickly confirms the efficiency of a vehicle’s battery and gives the owner a view to the functionality and life span of a battery. Companies with large heavy duty commercial vehicles such as trucks or buses need to ensure that the vehicle battery is working efficiently. Many companies test their brakes or tyre pressures before a vehicle inspection but why not a battery?  Completing a battery test before an inspection will give a view of the batteries long term functionality.

Once you determine the life of a battery, a business can plan and budget in their business plans to replace them.  Also by regularly recharging a battery prevents any breakdowns, which costs a business in time and money while their commercial vehicle is off the road

aide automotive have a couple of products that can provide this service. The Midtronics EXP1000HDBMP is suitable for Volvo, MAN, Iveco & Mercedes vehicles with the option of a warranty report.  It also has print out options so a record of the battery can be kept. Get in touch with aide automotive for full product information.

Or for a budget solution try the 24 Volt BatteryCheck for just £199.00 BatteryCheck is a small and compact high performance electronically controlled plug in battery charger and tester, in addition BatteryCheck is also a battery back while repairing or replacing electronic items within a vehicle. BatteryCheck’s will test a battery, the charge status and the functionality of the alternator in one simple process, battery over charging is impossible as the microprocessor controlled technology monitors all functions of the BatteryCheck.

Battery Testing for commercial vehicles

Battery Testing for commercial vehicles

Battery Tester that tests the battery, charge status and functionality of the alternator

December 12th, 2010 No comments


The 3 In One Battery Tester

Battery Testing is a procedure most garages want to have the device to determine the charge and the functionality of the alternator. BatteryCheck is a small and compact high performance electronically controlled plug in battery charger and tester, in addition BatteryCheck can act as a  battery back-up whilst repairing or replacing electronic items within a vehicle.

The neat compact design of this device makes it a handy tool in any MOT Garage or workshop. BatteryCheck’s  3 in 1 functionality means it will test a battery, the charge status and the functionality of the alternator in one simple process. Battery over charging is impossible as the microprocessor controlled technology monitors all functions of the BatteryCheck.

BatteryCheck can be used to test conventional lead-acid, lead-calcium/silver, or sealant type batteries (AGM, MF) as well as maintenance free lead-gel batteries. Able to charge deeply discharged batteries, a reverse polarity protection system is also integrated into the BatteryCheck.

 Find out more at aide automotive

12 Volt Battery Tester

November 15th, 2010 Comments off

3 In 1 Battery Tester, Charger & Memory Saver


BatteryCheck is a small and compact high performance electronically controlled plug in battery charger and tester, in addition BatteryCheck is also a battery back while repairing or replacing electronic items within a vehicle.

BatteryCheck has been designed from dealer mandated product technology for the everyday MOT or service garage, BatteryCheck’s neat compact design is ideal for a workshop and with microprocessor controlled technology the BatteryCheck offers any workshop a high end product at an affordable price.

BatteryCheck’s will test a battery, the charge status and the functionality of the alternator in one simple process, battery over charging is impossible as the microprocessor controlled technology monitors all functions of the BatteryCheck.

BatteryCheck can be used to test conventional lead-acid, lead-calcium/silver, or sealant type batteries (AGM, MF) as well as maintenance free lead-gel batteries. Able to charge deeply discharged batteries, a reverse polarity protection system is also integrated into the BatteryCheck.

Protective features:

Electronic reverse polarity protection
Thermal overload protection
Safety cut-out
Electronically safe
Short-circuit protection

Charging Capacity:

Charging Voltage 12 Volt
Charging current 6 A
Battery capacity 3-200Ah


BatteryCheck is priced at £159.00 + vat.

Click on 12 Volt Battery Tester for more info.

12 Volt Battery Tester

12 Volt Battery Tester

Battery Testing Commercial Vehicles

May 27th, 2010 No comments

 Battery testing commercial vehicles should be part of the routine of  a vehicle maintenance programme. Using a Battery Charger to demonstrate efficiency of a battery can give an indication of when the battery is due to expire. Replacing tyres and brakes are often part of a maintenance programme but batteries often aren’t.   Battery testers allows an organisation to plan and prepare for the replacement of vehicle’s batteries.Midtronics Battery Testers can be used on any type of vehicle, from cars, motorcycles to light or heavy commercials and can provide a print out for your records

A Midtronics Battery Tester is the most modern, cost effective and easy to use tester. The unique technology makes testing of discharged batteries possible.

Midtronics - tests a battery's efficency

Midtronics - tests a battery's efficency

aide automotive supplies a number of automotive products

Battery Testers Identify Battery Efficency!

April 7th, 2010 No comments

Testing batteries is a great start to confirm the efficiency of any vehicle. Midtronic Battery Testers have the added benefit of providing a print out for your customer or records. They can be used on any type of vehicle, from cars, motorcycles to light or heavy commercials.

Tyres and brakes can be replaced before they fail, but what about a battery? Using a Midtronics Battery Tester it will be possible to identify the efficiency of a battery and identify if it needs replacing or servicing. All data can be detailed on an optional infra red printer or downloaded to a PC.

Click aide automotive for a full range of our products


Battery Testing avoids Breakdowns

March 26th, 2010 No comments
Flat Batteries Are One Of The AA’s Top Reasons For Call Outs but by servicing batteries on a regular basis these costly call out fees can be avoided!
Make sure you test your batteries as regularly as possible to see if they need recharging


Also by charging your batteries on a frequent basis prolongs their life span.

By following this advice you can avoid the cost of call out fees aand or replacement batteries!

aide automotive recommends the Midtronics Battery Tester which can be used on any type of vehicle from cars, to light or heavy commercial vehicles or motorcycles. A battery tester details the health and functionality of the battery. It identifies the efficiency and reports on the state of charge, voltage and capacity. All Midtronic battery testers have the option to print a hard copy report and can be recorded with the service sheet.

It is a common myth that a vehicle recharges a battery while driving, however this is not true, it merely replaces the lost capacity used. A battery needs to be recharged fully to avoid breakdowns. Modern trucks power a lot of electrical items such as TV’s, microwaves and kettles while static. This will drain the battery and not replace the capacity so recharging is essential if the full life of a battery is to be maintained!




Midtronics Battery Tester suitable for any vehicle.

Midtronics Battery Tester suitable for any vehicle.

Midtronics Repairs

March 19th, 2010 No comments

Battery Testers is a great way to check the efficency of a vehicle.  Testing batteries is easy with a Midtronics Battery tester. this product has been on the market now for a number of years and some garages have had a great life span out of their product however we’re as these products age some repairs are needed.

For repairs on a Midtronics battery contact aide automotive.

Click Midtronics Battery tester for more information on this product

Repairs to Midtronics Battery Testers

Repairs to Midtronics Battery Testers