Home > Automotive Tools and Accessories > Unsecured Loads Can Result In A VOSA Notice

Unsecured Loads Can Result In A VOSA Notice

July 22nd, 2011

Lee Lock Stops possible VOSA problems by securing a pallet truck in a commercial trailer.

The recent FTA Safety In Transport conference in Coventry heard that VOSA is increasing their focus on checking load safety and security when operators trucks and trailers are stopped by the organisation.

It is reported that 1200 people a year are injured during the loading and unloading of vehicles at the workplace: 64% of these accidents involved someone falling from height, while 17% saw the victim hit by a falling object or material. To give a comparison against other vehicle injuries, in contrast only 11% of casulaties were from someone being hit by a moving vehicle

Lee Lock is designed to lock the pallet truck in place at all times, hence reducing any chance of the truck slamming into other pallets, slashing the curtain side and as the pallet truck slots into the lock there’s no chance of any back injury from lifting.

aide automotive recently supplied a mojor European haulier with over 300 Pallet Truck Locks (Lee Lock)

Contact aide automotive Ltd for further information on Lee Lock.

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