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AdBlue Contaminated With Diesel

December 6th, 2012

aide automotive recently supplied Bedford Fire Service with the AdBlue Anti Contamination Cap. Following an incident of contamination, Bedford Fire decided to reduce the risk of further issues and fitted the AdBlue Cap to Volvo vehicles.

It only takes a small amount of contamination which affects the SCR systems dosing unit and catalytic converter which can put your truck in limp mode requiring a full reset.

The AdBlue Cap has been designed so that if you do try to put Diesel into the Cap and any Diesel is released, it will run off through the drain off holes and no diesel can enter the AdBlue tank. This cap will also stop any debris from entering the AdBlue Tank.

Diesel contamination of an AdBlue truck tank can have major effects to a trucks SCR system which in some cases validates warranty and incurs lengthy downtime. To read more about the AdBlue Cap, click on AdBlue Anti Contamination Cap to go the products website.

You can also call 0115 8456471 to ask questions to our sales team.

Diesel Contamination of AdBlue

SCR Anti Contamination Cap

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